Sketches and Paintings

Sketch of Nashville, Memphis and St. Louis.
Disneyworld Sketch with Disney figurs in the front. Colorful Painting of a tropical bird which is outlined in black by Anke Wonder. Colorful Painting with black tropical bird outline by Anke Wonder.
Painting of a brown owl sitting on a tree with colorful background by Anke Wonder. Painting of Butterflies and Leaves with colorful background by Anke Wonder. Painting of Stonehenge on Wood by Anke Wonder.
Painting of a woodpecker on a tree with red background and white dotes. Collage Fashion Sketch by Anke Wonder. Fashiondesign Sketches by Designer Anke Wonder.
Kola Baer Sketch by Anke Wonder. Bunnies together Painting by Anke Wonder. Painting Sketch of Corners by Anke Wonder.
Rabbit Sketch by Anke Wonder. Paintings of Rabbits by Anke Wonder.
Fashion Sketch by Anke Wonder. Fashion Sketch by Anke Wonder. Woman's Fashion Sketch by Anke Wonder.