When we lose someone dear to us - whether it’s a family member, a friend, or a beloved pet - we often feel a deep yearning to reconnect. The good news is that our loved ones can communicate with us, even after they’ve passed. While some refer to it as them being on “the other side,” I like to think of it as them being with us, just on a different frequency. They send us signs, offering love, guidance, and reassurance that they’re still by our side. The key is learning to recognize these signs and trusting that they are messages from those we hold dear.
In this blog post, I’ll explore how you can recognize signs from spirit, where to find them, and how to trust that these are indeed messages from your loved ones and pets.
Signs Are Everywhere
One of the most important things to remember is that signs from spirit are everywhere - you just need to be open to receiving them. Our loved ones, including our pets, often send subtle signs that reflect their unique personalities and their special connection to us. These signs are meant to remind us that they are still close, even though they’ve transitioned to the spirit world.
People sometimes experience signs soon after their loved one’s passing, but it may take days, weeks, or even months for others. Be patient. Spirit operates on divine timing, and your loved ones know when you need their message most.
What Are Spirit Signs?

Spirit signs can appear in many forms and are typically personal to the recipient. Here are some common ways you might receive signs from your loved ones or pets:
License Plates: Numbers, letters, or phrases on license plates can carry significant meaning. I vividly recall a time when I asked my grandparents for reassurance during a particularly challenging situation. As I went for a walk, asking for a clear sign, a car passed me with a license plate that read "All OK." At that moment, I knew they had heard me and were letting me know I was fully supported, no matter the outcome.
Billboards and Building Signs: Sometimes, a message will appear on a billboard or a sign, speaking directly to your situation. One evening, while walking down a street where my grandparents had lived for nearly 17 years, I noticed graffiti at the end of the block that read "Love this world" and, among other symbols, the name "Lutz" - which is my grandfather’s name. This simple message reminded me of his positive outlook on life, and it came at a time when I was struggling and needed to hear it.
Conversations in Passing: You might overhear a stranger say something that resonates deeply. One time, while waiting in line at a Halloween event, I overheard a couple excitedly talking about seeing a bright light in the sky, wondering if it was a UFO. The other person joked that it might be Superman. I immediately smiled, as my grandfather was fascinated by UFOs, and I had given him a flower vase with the inscription “You are my Superman.” This fleeting conversation felt like a little nod from him.
Nature: Animals, like butterflies or birds, can also serve as messengers. My grandmother adored woodpeckers, and on special occasions - like their wedding anniversary - I’ll often hear or see one. She also had a deep connection with ladybirds, so whenever one appears, I know it’s a sign from her. When my grandfather passed, I asked for a unique sign from him. On the day of his funeral, a white butterfly followed me, and ever since, they’ve shown up in meaningful moments.
Technology: Sometimes, electronics behave strangely as a sign from spirit. Lights may flicker, or you may hear a significant song unexpectedly. One memorable experience for me happened while ice-skating in Milwaukee. Throughout the evening, only English songs were played, but suddenly, a German song came on about someone being a “lighthouse” for another. My family has always been my lighthouse, and it was the only German song played that night - undoubtedly a message from them.
Dreams: Dreams are a common way that loved ones reach out. My mother once had an incredibly vivid experience where her mother and our guinea pig, who had recently passed, visited her. They appeared healthy and happy, and even though the experience ended when she reached out to touch them, she woke up feeling comforted. I’m still waiting for such a dream, but I trust it will happen when I need it most.
How to Know It’s a Sign from Spirit
Sometimes, the hardest part is knowing whether something is truly a sign or just a coincidence. Here are a few ways to differentiate between the two:
Trust Your Intuition: Often, your gut feeling will confirm whether something is a sign. If you feel a sense of peace or warmth, that’s your loved one reassuring you. Signs from spirit will always leave you feeling comforted, whereas your ego might leave you feeling unsettled or anxious.
Repetition: If you keep seeing the same number, animal, or hearing the same phrase repeatedly, spirit is likely trying to get your attention. Spirit often uses repetition to ensure you don’t miss their message.
Personal Connection: A sign will often have a deeply personal meaning. It could be a song, a number, or an inside joke that only you would understand. These personal touches make the sign unmistakable.
The Message Feels Uplifting: Often, signs come in the form of encouragement or positive affirmation - “You can do this,” or “Everything is going to be okay” - rather than an “I” message, which may stem more from your own intellect.
Be Patient and Don’t Overask

It’s natural to want frequent signs from our loved ones, but it’s important to find balance. Asking for too many signs or constantly seeking reassurance can create resistance, making it harder for spirit to reach you. Spirit works best when you ask for a sign, then let go and allow the universe to deliver it in divine timing.
Remember that spirit never misses a question or thought. Trust that they’ve heard you and that the answer will come when the time is right. The more you trust, the clearer the signs will be.
Spirit Knows What You Need
One of the most comforting aspects of spirit communication is that your loved ones know what you need, sometimes even better than you do. A sign may not come when you expect it, but it will arrive exactly when you need it most. It’s important to trust that everything happens for a reason, even if the message isn’t what you wanted to hear.
For instance, I once applied for an artist residency and made it to the final stages, only to be turned down. At the time, I was devastated. However, just a few months later, COVID-19 hit, and travel restrictions would have prevented my family from visiting me in the United States. As it turned out, I was able to spend my last Christmas with my grandfather in person - a priceless gift I wouldn’t have had if I had been accepted into the residency. Spirit truly knows best.
How Mediumship Can Help You Connect with your Loved Ones
While recognizing signs on your own is a beautiful way to stay connected with your loved ones, mediumship readings can offer deeper clarity. As a medium, I feel honored to bridge the gap between you and the spirit world, validating the signs you’ve been receiving and bringing through new messages. If you’re seeking more guidance, I invite you to book an evidential mediumship or animal reading with me.
Keep Track of the Signs
Hardcover notebook: My limit is beyond the sky designed by Anke Wonder.
A helpful practice is to keep a journal of the signs and synchronicities you receive. Whether it’s through an app or a physical notebook, jot down the signs without overanalyzing them. Over time, you might notice patterns, and it will help you stay connected. I personally keep separate journals for dreams, spirit communication, and signs. Don't forget to check out my personally designed notebooks to help you on your journey.
Lastly, remember to thank your loved ones and spirit team for the messages they send. Acknowledging their efforts deepens your connection and encourages more signs in the future. It’s a beautiful exchange, like the joy of giving and receiving gifts during the holidays.